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How much weight is safe to lose in a week?

Woman exercising outside with weights

It’s possible to shed 5, 7 or even 10 pounds in a week. But should you?
Tidelands Health family medicine physician Dr. Vasudha Jain, who practices at Tidelands Health Family Medicine at Holmestown Road, says trying to lose a lot of weight very quickly may be tempting, but it’s not the best approach.
“Weight loss doesn’t occur overnight, and that’s completely OK,” Dr. Jain says. “Losing a couple of pounds each week is much more sustainable over the long term.
“If you drop four, five pounds or more in a week, the weight will likely come right back, and you may find it more difficult to stick to your weight-management goals.”

Attempting to lose weight as quickly as possible by deeply cutting your caloric intake and/or exercising excessively can lead to unintended health consequences. Specifically, you could:
• Lose lean muscle
• Slow your metabolism
• Decrease your body’s immune response
• Become dehydrated
• Develop gallstones
• Experience cardiac stress
• Suffer injury
“When you try to lose weight rapidly by eliminating significant calories, your body thinks you’re starving, so it slows your metabolism down in an attempt to retain energy stores in the form of fat,” Dr. Jain says. “That’s why so many people gain back weight after a period of extreme dieting. Your body can’t sustain a huge caloric deficit.”

What’s more, Dr. Jain says slow weight loss gives your body time to adjust to healthy lifestyle changes, which makes it easier to maintain your weight over time.
“Instead of setting pound-related goals, set process-related goals to keep yourself motivated,” she says. Examples could include:

Losing weight is a bit of a balancing act. To reduce body fat, you must decrease the number of calories you consume while increasing the number of calories you burn through exercise.
The goal is to develop healthy routines that help you lose weight and keep it off.
Here are some tips:

Before starting any diet and exercise program, always consult your health care provider.
“Some diets aren’t right for some medical conditions. For example, people with kidney disease shouldn’t follow a diet that calls for a high protein intake. That’s why it’s important to consult your physician or health care professional to ensure your diet plan is safe,” Dr. Jain says.

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